Wednesday 25 April 2012

‘Affluence’ is factor in 11+ exams.

A council which uses the 11+ exams to select pupils for its grammar schools is accused of accepting that ‘affluence’ has a role in the tests. Buckinghamshire County Council's comments came in response to a school wanting to use 11-plus results to admit a broad spread of abilities.

The council claims the comments referred to only those who sits the exams.

However the council said that the "reference to affluence was made purely in the context of factors which may influence whether parents wish their children to sit the 11-plus tests". It added that it had merely been pointing out that children from deprived backgrounds were more likely to be withdrawn from the test by their parents.

 Critics of the 11-plus and the grammar school system often claim that children with parents able to pay for private coaching are more likely to pass the tests.

But this notion is rejected by supporters of grammar schools who say they give bright children the chance of a quality education.

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